Professor Kong has been awarded tenure and promotion to Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Utah. This is a team accomplishment – thank you so much for the support!
Group dinner with lab family.
Congratulations Dr. Taylor Greenwood! Our group first Ph.D. graduate! Dr. Greenwood will join Brigham Young University as an Assistant Professor in 2025! Fantastic work and all the best in your future endeavor!
Thank you so much Dean Nurzalina Abd Karim Khan for the kind introduction and the Malaysian Society of Pharmaceutical Technology (MSPT) and the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Universiti Sains Malaysia, for the invitation to be a keynote speaker to share our research at the exciting International Conference on Drug Discovery and Development (IC3D) conference.
Thank you so much Prof. Kok Hwa Yu for hosting the exciting visit to the School of Mechanical Engineering at the Universiti Sains Malaysia in the Engineering Campus at Nibong Tebal, Malaysia.
Thank you so much Ho Rhu Yann and Professor Choon Fu Goh for inviting me to visit the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the Universiti Sains Malaysia in Penang!
Thank you, Professor Naoji Matsuhisa, from the University of Tokyo, for inviting me to present and visit your laboratory and team. I have learned a lot from your fascinating work in soft electronics!
Thank you, Prof. Junichiro Shiomi, for hosting my visit to the beautiful University of Tokyo. I am fascinated by your amazing research. Thank you, Prof. Yaerim Lee, for the lab tour and exciting discussions.
Thank you so much Prof. Tomoyuki Yokota and his team for the opportunity to visit your lab at the University of Tokyo, Hongo Campus. I have learned a lot from his team’s fascinating research.
Thank you so much Professor Michinao Hashimoto for the kind invitation to present at IEEE NEMS conference in Kyoto. I have learned a lot from the fascinating talks and discussions with other speakers in the symposium.
Group lunch! 🙂
Brian Elder’s, Ph.D. student, exciting presentation on our group latest work in magnetic 3D printing.
Group photo with our team Ph.D. students (LeiBin Li, Samannoy Ghosh, Samuel Hales & Brian Elder) who have presented their exciting work at the MRS Spring Seattle!
Thank you, Prof. John Ho (NUS) and Prof. Philipp Gutruf (University of Arizona), for organizing the exciting bioelectronic symposium at MRS Spring Seattle! I have also learned a lot from Prof. Aaron Thean (NUS), Prof. Benjamin Tee (NUS), and Prof. Tyler Ray (University of Hawaii at Manoa) from their fascinating work and experience.
Group picture – thank you Dr. Jian Teng for the visit! All the best in your future endeavor.
Group dinner! 🙂
Visit to the University of South Florida (USF) and Prof. Michael Cai Wang’s lab. Thank you Prof. Wang – I have learn a lot from his impressive research at USF.
Thank you so much for the invitation to present our group’s research as a Keynote Speaker at the 2D Materials symposium at TMS.
Group photos with potential collaborators and friends (Prof. Amal El-Ghazaly, Prof. Yanliang Zhang, Prof. Cunjiang Yu, Prof. Grace Gu and Prof. Kenan Song)
Group photo with Ph.D. students Samannoy Ghosh and LeiBin Li after their fantastic presentations (three orals and two poster presentations!) at the TMS conference.
Samannoy Ghosh (Ph.D. student) presented the exciting results of his multi-years effort on the project on “Diffusiophoresis-driven additive manufacturing” at the TMS Printed Electronics symposium, chaired by Dr. Tolga Aytug.
Group photo with invited speakers and co-organizer of TMS Printed Electronics symposium. Thank you Prof. Yanliang Zhang, Prof. Harish Subbaraman and Prof. Ethan Secor for the amazing talks and Prof. Dave Estrada for co-organizing the symposium together (and the lunch!) 🙂
Thank you, GRC organzing committee, for the invitation to present a talk and a poster at the exciting symposium! Fascinating discussions with faculty and research scientists working in the area of multifunctional materials and structures.
Thank you Prof. Michael Dickey for the invitation to the networking beach run at the Gordon Research Conference.
Thank you so much to the students from the Additive Manufacturing class for the great semester! All the very best and please keep in touch! 🙂
Group lunch 🙂
Exciting presentation by Taylor Greenwood, a Ph.D. student of our group, on our work on soft actuator.
Group photo with Ph.D. students Samuel Hales and Taylor Greenwood after their exciting presentations at the 50th MRS Fall conference at Boston.
Group photo with Prof. Howard Stone and lab family.
Exciting discussions with the friends and colleagues from the fluid dynamics research communities.
Fascinating discussions with colleagues, friends and program managers in ASME Mechanical Engineering community.
Thank you so much Professor Tae-Sik Yoon for the kind invitation to present our group’s research at the Ulsan National Institute of Science & Technology (UNIST) Materials Science and Engineering. I have learned a lot from his fascinating research and the amazing students, staff and facility from his team and UNIST.
Thank you so much, 3M, and Dr. Zhijie Zhu, for the invitation to present our work at 3M. It’s extremely exciting to have the opportunity to network and learn from 3M scientists during the visit.
Thank you Dean David Hinks for the kind invitation to present our group’s research and to visit Wilson College of Textiles at NC State University. I have learned a lot about textile industry and research from the visit! Thank you also for Prof. Rong Yin and Prof. Jeff Joines for hosting me, and Prof. Andre West for the tour of the amazing laboratories.
Thank you, GRC Science of Adhesion – chaired by Prof. Kevin Turner, for the fantastic conference! It is fascinating to learn about the latest work on the science of adhesion from the world-leading experts of the field.
Professor Kong has been awarded the SME Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award. We are extremely grateful for the honor and for SME’s recognition. Thank you so much!
Thank you, Prof. Yong Chen, for the invitation to speak and be a panelist at the Early Career Forum organized by ASME MSEC and SME NAMRC. It’s so exciting to discuss with students and colleagues about their career paths.
Thank you so much, Professor Sanghoek Kim and Professor Jaesu Yu, for the kind invitation to visit and present our research at Kyung Hee University at Suwon, South Korea! I have learned a lot from the faculty and students from their exciting research.
Thank you so much to the students from the Additive Manufacturing (ME EN 5011/6011) for the great semester! All the very best and please keep in touch! 🙂
Thank you very much, Professor Hyoungsoo Kim, for the opportunity to visit your lab and give a talk at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST), Daejeon. I have learned a lot from the fascinating research by the faculty and students at KAIST.
Thank you so much, Professor Jonathan Singer, for the invitation to give a talk at Rutgers University. I have learned a lot from his exciting research and from faculty and students at Rutgers University. Thank you also to Prof. Yuebin Guo for the opportunity to visit his impressive Advanced Manufacturing Lab!
Lunch with keynote speakers, organizing committee members, faculty and students of TMS Functional Nanomaterials symposium. Thank you so much keynote speakers (Prof. Wei Gao, Caltech; Prof. John Rogers, Northwestern University; Prof. Mark Hersam, Northwestern University) for the amazing presentations! Thank you also for the committee members. It is truly a pleasure chairing the exciting symposium and working together.
It was great to meet our collaborators Prof. Surya Kalidindi (Georgia Tech) and Dr. James Hardin (AFRL), in person at the TMS conference. Thank you so much for the inspirational discussions and exciting collaborations.
Group photo of group members presenting at TMS symposium with keynote speaker Prof. Michael McAlpine. Thank you, Professor McAlpine, for your fascinating presentation and continuous support!
Thank you so much keynote speakers Professor Sheng Xu (UC San Diego) and Professor Wei Gao (Caltech) for the amazing talks! We have learned a lot from your impressive work.

Professor Kong has received the Peer Reviewed Medical Research Program (PRMRP) Discovery Award. We are extremely grateful for the honor and for the Department of Defense’s generous support! Thank you so much!
[PRMRP Discovery Award]

Professor Kong has been awarded the 2023 Office of Naval Research (ONR) Young Investigator Program award ($750,000, three years). We are extremely grateful for the honor and for ONR’s generous support! Thank you so much!
[Office of Naval Research news release: “Best and Brightest: ONR’S 2023 Young Investigator”]
Our article “Ingestible Functional Magnetic Robot with Localized Flexibility (MR-LF)” has been accepted at Advanced Intelligent Systems.

Professor Kong has just been awarded an R01 grant (>$1.37 M, 4 years award) by the National Institute of Health (NIH) as the Principal Investigator, aiming to transform the treatment of obesity with ingestible electronics. We are extremely grateful and excited for NIBIB’s support of our effort.
Our collaborative article “Needle-integrated Ultrathin Bioimpedance Microsensor Array for Early Detection of Extravasation” with Prof. John Ho at the National University of Singapore has been accepted at Biosensors and Bioelectronics.
Thank you so much, Professor Bhargav Rallabandi for inviting me to present and visit U.C. Riverside. I have learned a lot from you and your department. Thank you also Prof. Guanshui Xu, the department chair of the Mechanical Engineering, for the opportunity to visit and Professor Jonathan Realmuto and other faculty (Prof. Jun Sheng, Prof. Luat Vuong and others) for the exciting discussion.
Thank you so much, Professor Masoud Mahjouri-Samani (Alburn University, right) for inviting me to present at your exciting Printed Electronics symposium at ASTM ICAM (International Conference on Additive Manufacturing). It is also exciting to learn about the fascinating research of Dr. Tolga Aytug from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Thank you so much, Professor Bob Langer, for your continuous support!
Congratulations to Breanna Wong, our team’s UROP, for winning the second prize of the University of Utah’s College of Social and Behavioral Science Poster Presentation Award!
Thank you so much, Michelle Farrington, for the kind invitation to present our work at the Advanced Functional Fabrics of America, Inc. (AFFOA) Membership Summit at the beautiful Fenway Park and for the lab visit. I have learned a lot and am looking forward to future collaborations!
Thank you students from the Engineering Design I (ME EN 4000) for the amazing semester! You are awesome! All the very best and please keep in touch! 😀
Our collaborative article “Digitally-embroidered Liquid Metal Wearable Wireless Systems” with Prof. John Ho at the National University of Singapore has been accepted at Nature Communications.
Our article “Machine Learning-enabled Feature Classification of Evaporation-driven Multi-scale 3D Printing” has been published at Flexible and Printed Electronics.
Thank you so much to the students from the Additive Manufacturing class for the great semester! All the very best and please keep in touch! 🙂
Thank you so much, Prof. Howard Stone, for visiting our lab and the department! We have learned a lot from your talk and your feedback.
Our article “A 3D Printed Self-Learning Three-Linked Sphere Robot for Autonomous Confined Space Navigation” has been accepted at Advanced Intelligent Systems.

Professor Kong has been awarded the Utah NASA Space Grant Consortium (UNSGC) Faculty Research Seed Funding. Thank you Utah Space Grant Consortium for the support.
Thank you, students from the Engineering Design I (ME EN 4000), for the amazing semester! You are awesome! All the very best and please keep in touch! 😀
Congratulations to Jared Anklam for passing his Ph.D. qualifying examination!

Professor Kong has been awarded the 3M Non-Tenured Faculty Award. This highly competitive award is nominated by 3M researchers and selected based on the faculty’s outstanding research, experience and academic leadership. Thank you 3M for the award.

.Professor Kong has been awarded the The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) Functional Materials Division (FMD) Young Leaders Professional Development Award. Thank you TMS for the award [TMS]
Thank you, students from Additive Manufacturing, for the great semester! All the very best, and please keep in touch! 🙂
Congratulations to Brian Elder and Sam Hales for passing their Ph.D. qualifying examinations!

Professor Kong has been awarded the NIBIB Trailblazer Award by the National Institute of Health (NIH). We are extremely grateful for NIBIB’s support of our effort to establish a fundamentally new electronic integration approach on existing, nonplanar medical devices.
Our article “3D Printed Gastric Resident Electronics” published at Advanced Materials Technologies 1800490 (2018) has been selected as the “Best of Advanced Materials Technologies 2019“.
Our article “Addressing Unmet Clinical Needs with 3D Printing Technologies” published at Advanced Healthcare Materials 1800417 (2018) is among the top 10% most downloaded paper of the journal in the 12 months following online publication.
Invited presentation at the The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS), San Diego, CA: “Multiscale additive manufacturing of biomedical electronics“. Thank you Dr. Pooran Joshi and the TMS for the invitation.
Poster presentation at the Multifunctional Materials and Structures Gordon Research Conference, Ventura, CA: “Multiscale additive manufacturing of functional electronics and biomedical devices“. Thank you conference organizer for the exciting conference.

We have been awarded with a research gift from Analog Devices Inc. Thank you for the generous support of our research effort.
Invited presentation at the International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICBME) 2019, National University of Singapore, Singapore: “3D Printing of functional electronics and ingestible biomedical devices”. Thank you Professor John Ho and the ICBME for the invitation.
Professor Kong introduced a new manufacturing course: the first “Additive Manufacturing” at the University of Utah. Thank you for the exciting and amazing teaching experience! All the very best and please keep in touch! 🙂
Our article “3D Printed Nanomaterial-based Electronic, Biomedical, and Bioelectronic Devices” has been published at Nanotechnology.
Invited presentation and panel discussions as a panelists at the IEEE WAMIII/USP Smart Pills Workshop 2019, Rockville, MD: “Gastric resident bio-electronics”. Thank you, IEEE Standards Association and United States Pharmacopeia, for the invitation.
Invited presentation at the Brown University, Providence, RI: “Multiscale additive manufacturing of functional electronics and biomedical devices”. Thank you Fluids and Thermal Sciences Group in the School of Engineering at Brown University for the invitation.
Invited presentation at the 10th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) 2019, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore: “3D printed gastric resident biomedical electronics“. Thank you Professor Benjamin C. K. Tee and the ICMAT for the invitation.
Invited presentation at the 10th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) 2019, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore: “Multiscale additive manufacturing of active electronic materials and devices“. Thank you Professor Matteo Seita and the ICMAT for the invitation.
Our invited article “Transforming military medicine with 3D printed bioelectronics” has been published and selected as the cover of the Homeland Defense & Security Information Analysis Center (HDIAC) Journal.
Professor Kong has been selected to receive the Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award. Thank you Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) for the award.
Thank you class of ME EN 4000 for the exciting and fun teaching experience! All the very best and please keep in touch! 🙂
Invited presentation at the SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing 2019, Baltimore, MD: “Multiscale additive manufacturing of electronics and biomedical devices“. Thank you SPIE for the Rising Researcher award and the invitation [SPIE].
Invited presentation at the National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore: “3D printing of functional electronics and ingestible biomedical devices“. Thank you the Department of Biomedical Engineering of NUS for the invitation.
Invited presentation at the National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore: “Additive manufacturing of electronics and biomedical devices“. Thank you Professor Rachel Ee, Professor Christina Chai and the Department of Pharmacy of NUS for the exciting and fruitful visit.
Invited presentation at the The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) Conference 2019, San Antonio, TX: “Additive manufacturing of functional electronics and ingestible biomedical devices“. Thank you Dr. Pooran Joshi and the TMS for the invitation.
Our article “3D Printed Gastric Resident Electronics” has been published at Advanced Materials Technologies, 1800490 (2018)
Professor Kong was awarded as SPIE Rising Researcher for his work in “Multiscale additive manufacturing of electronics and biomedical devices“.
[Department News | SPIE]
Invited presentation at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa (U.H. Mānoa), Honolulu, HI: “3D printing of functional electronics and ingestible biomedical devices“. Thank you Professor Sangwoo Shin and the Department of Mechanical Engineering of U.H. Mānoa for the invitation.
Invited presentation at the IEEE International Conference on Nano/Molecular Medicine and Engineering (IEEE-NANOMED), Waikiki Beach, HI: “Multiscale additive manufacturing of biomedical devices“. Thank you Professor Aaron Ohta and the IEEE-NANOMED for the invitation.
Invited presentation at the Biomedical Institute for Global Health Research and Technology (BIGHEART) Seminar, National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore: “3D printing of functional electronics and ingestible biomedical devices“. Thank you, Professor John Ho, for the invitation, the inspirational discussion, and the amazing collaborations for many years to come.
Our proposed collaborative research to develop a new class of 3D printed magneto-electroactive soft, continuum, compliant, and configurable (MESo-C3) mesoscale robotic devices has recently been awarded with a total of $1,999,910 by the Emerging Frontiers & Multidisciplinary Activities (EFMA) of the National Science Foundation (NSF). The vision of this four-year collaborative project between the University of Utah, the University of Minnesota, and Santa Clara University is to extend the capabilities of clinicians by enabling minimally invasive access to locations in the human body that are currently difficult or impossible to reach using a new class of 3D printed mesoscale robotic devices for a wide range of diagnostic and therapeutic applications. The project is led by Professor Jake Abbot and in collaboration with Professor Kam Leang, Professor Yong Lin Kong (University of Utah), Professor Rajesh Rajamani (University of Minnesota), and Professor On Shun Pak (Santa Clara University).
Oral presentation for “Mobile Health Applications in the Medical Theater of Operations” session at the Military Health System Research Symposium (MHSRS), Orlando, FL: “Wireless gastric resident biomedical electronics“. Thank you MHSRS Planning Committee for the opportunity.
Invited presentation at 256th American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting, Boston, MA: “Additive manufacturing of ingestible gastric resident biomedical electronics“. Thank you Professor Leila Deravi and the ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry (ANYL) for the invitation.
Our article “Addressing Unmet Clinical Needs with 3D Printing Technologies” has been published at Advanced Healthcare Materials, 1800417 (2018).
Congratulations to Hakimi Nazlie, Yousef Alamri and Spencer Peterson for receiving the Summer 2018 UROP funding awards! We thank the Office of Undergraduate Research of The University of Utah for the generous support.
Invited seminar at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), Rochester, NY: “Advanced manufacturing of functional electronics and biomedical devices“. Thank you Professor Michael Schrlau and the Department of Mechanical Engineering of RIT for the exciting and fruitful visit.
Thank you class of ME EN 4000 for the exciting teaching experience! It has truly been a pleasure.
Invited presentation at The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona: “Additive manufacturing of nanomaterials-based devices“. Thank you, TMS Functional Materials Division, for the invitation.
We have been awarded a United States patent that covers the 3D printing of active electronic materials and devices.
[U.S. Patent 9,887,356]
- “3D Printed Active Electronic Materials and Devices.” U.S. Patent 9,887,356 (issued February 6, 2018).
- “3D Printed Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Diodes.” Nano Letters 14, 7017-7023 (2014).
- Featured in “Device fabrication: Three-dimensional printed electronics.” Nature 518, 42-43 (2015).
- Highlighted in “Materials: Diodes printed in three dimensions.” Nature 515, 468 (2014).
Professor Kong was honored as Technology Review Innovators under 35 by EmTech Asia and MIT Technology Review for his work on 3D printed electronics.
Annual Robert S. Langer Laboratory beach party.
Final Public Oral with Professor Howard A. Stone and the Stonelab members.
Farewell gathering with friends from Stonelab.
Thank you for the invitation to present and be a panelist at the Fund Experts Forum, Zurich, Switzerland.
Group photo with Professor Michael C. McAlpine and lab members.